

Thursday 16 February 2012

Benefits Of Alfalfa

The benefits of alfalfa have been known for centuries, in fact the Chinese and the Arabs, have known about the healing properties of alfalfa for thousands of years.
Some alfalfa facts
It is a plant which grows very deeply into the ground, and is able to pick up nutrients other plants are not able to reach.
Is often referred to as the ‘father of all foods’.
Makes a great general tonic.
Should be avoided by women who are pregnant.
Alfalfa can counteract medications like warfarin (coumadin).
It is a legume, meaning it is from the plant species, not a green leafy vegetable.
Alfalfa Tea, drinking alfalfa as a tea, is a fantastic way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Besides drinking as a tea, you can eat alfalfa seeds, leaves, grass or sprouts, you can even buy alfalfa supplements, or enjoy it as a juice.  When looking to buy fresh, avoid smelly or limp sprouts.
If you are considering drinking alfalfa as a tea, there a couple of things to consider, first of all you only need consume a couple of cups of tea a day, larger doses may cause bloating.  Prepare the tea by boiling a couple of sprouts or leaves in a small amount of water, for around 30 minutes.  You can sip the tea throughout the day, there is no need to consume it all at once.
Just like white tea and green, alfalfa tea is full of antioxidants and makes a fantastic anti aging drink.
When you get used to the taste, you can add more sprouts, if you can’t stand the taste, you can lighten it up a little by adding some mint or lemongrass.
Taken in very large doses is not a good idea as alfalfa may cause the break down of red blood cells, cause a relapse in lupus or may enlarge your spleen. This is due to the chemical L-cavanine found in  alfalfa sprouts, herbs or seeds.
Health Benefits of Alfalfa
  • strengthen bones
  • help relieve symptoms of menopause
  • lower cholesterol levels in the blood
  • skin problems
  • help control diabetes
  • great for helping detox the body
  • aid digestion
  • liver problems
  • strengthen immune system
  • get rid of bad breath
There are many vitamins and minerals in alfalfa such as; biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamins, B1, B2, B12, B6, A, C, D, E and K.  It also contains minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulphur, copper, boron and potassium.
It is also very high in chlorophyll, which is the green color found in plants, and is very similar to the protein found in your red blood cells.
No matter how you enjoy the benefits of alfalfa, whether it is in plant form or an alfalfa supplement, you will be giving your body a wonderful supply of vitamins and minerals.

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