

Showing posts with label Fitness Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Information. Show all posts

Sunday 2 September 2012

Fitness Over Fifty

Old age can be fun and happier if it is healthy, full of enthusiasm and fit. It is said that " He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything". Therefore it is necessary that as you enter your mid-lives you learn to take extra care for your body to avoid chances of physical incapacity and take proper diet and exercise to lengthen your life and make your lives fuller, minds happier and bodies more younger.

Self Protection Techniques

For every woman learning a few self protection tactics is always helpful. Today women have taken up responsibilities both at home as well as at work. She is required to take bold decisions and has to face tough challenges everyday. Who knows from where and in which form danger is lurking in the dark for her and thus to face all kinds of untoward situations and circumstances she has to keep herself prepared. Almost everyday we get to hear and read that a woman was severely beaten and assaulted or raped etc. Why do we have to be so weak and always have to depend on men for our safety and protection? In this article we will give you tips on physical safety for women.


Meditation opens up your mind, makes you identify yourself and is a great form of exercise. Meditation has many benefits; it reduces depression, increases alertness, lowers high blood pressure, and makes you feel fresh and beautiful. People who meditate handle stress better and live longer. Studies have shown that stress can cause a variety of physiological and physical problems, from insomnia to anxiety and pain to weakened immunity. There is, however, increasing evidence that if we can reduce the stress in our lives, we can improve our mental and physical health. Thus meditation is a means by which you can reduce stress in your life.


What is Yoga?
It is very difficult to define yoga in just a few words. But surely yoga is one of the most complete and universal systems: it is a complete view of life, of the humankind and other living beings and of the whole cosmos. The science of yoga is a precious gift from the Indian sages who attained the complete realization of all laws of existence. In spite of the fact that yoga geographically originates from India, its ancient wisdom is universal and eternal.

Work Place Workouts

In today’s lifestyle most of us have desk jobs where you are required to sit more than 8 hours at the desk. Our bodies are however not designed this way and due to this it take a toll on our bodies. Not only do we tend to put on weight on all the wrong places (and especially if our diet includes lots of calories) but this also causes common work-related pains, such as back aches, neck aches etc. But just because you spend a good deal of your time at a desk doesn't mean you're destined to become fat and have these problems. You can get a hold of the situation and with a few tips as under you can have a great healthy and fit life.

Learn To Love Your Body

Women are always after getting the “perfect body” that they often see of their favourite film star or the model on the cover page of a magazine. Every woman wants to achieve the most perfect body and in their attempt to look like their favourite film star they end up either getting depressed or unsatisfied with their body which leads to many complications. Studies suggest that 30-40% of women are somewhat unhappy with their appearance while another 45% may experience anxiety or depression due to dissatisfaction with their appearance.

Exercise Myths||Exercise Myths and Facts

In whatever man ventures into he is always surrounded by myths which are sometimes imbibed into him from childhood and sometimes through various other channels. Here are some of the most common exercise myths based on current exercise research.

Choosing The Right Athletic Shoes

Right shoes that fit well and that can prevent any form of injury is essential for exercise. When it comes to shoes for exercise, the choices are overwhelming. But what is important that you should use shoes that fit well and feel comfortable. The right shoes offer both support and flexibility where you need it. And, they protect your bones, joints, and muscles from the toes to the top, keeping your feet in healthy positions and absorbing shock.

Exercise To Keep Fit

We all know that exercise is the best way to keep fit. A balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is all that you require to be in the best of health and also to keep a check on your weight. Now there are a few things that you need to know before going on a strict exercise routine

Friday 2 March 2012

Back To Main Page Click Here for more articles Google 7 Must Know Facts to Build Your Strength Training Routine

Building a strength training routine can be one of the trickiest parts of a fitness program. Ask 10 personal trainers what the best strength training routine is and you will get 10 different answers. Below are 7 must-know guidelines to use when building a strength training program. Each guideline provides the basic foundation that all strength training programs abide by. Learning the proper way to use free weights will greatly improve your strength, fitness, and health levels.

Fit for What?

Unless we’re talking about our bodies, and the amount of exercise they can do, we usually talk about being fit in relation to something. An object is ‘fit for use’, clothing is ‘fit to be worn at work’, and food is ‘fit to be eaten’. My parents used to have a running joke that they were fit – fit to drop! Everything else is fit 'for something'. So why do we insist on describing ourselves as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ without relating the concepts to anything else?

Exercise Equipments That Suit Your Fitness Goals

Health-buffs that have been using exercise equipments are surely no neophytes on this matter. But newbies on exercise equipment won't have a hard time on knowing which to use. It's just a matter of getting armed with the right info and sufficient determination to be at your fittest.

Choosing the best fitness exercise equipment to meet your needs could be a bit tricky and complicated. Equipments could cost you thousands of dollars. What's worse is that they might just end up collecting dust in your basement. Surely you don't want this to happen so here's a few tips:

Decide on What To Work On. Are you a wheezing kiddo? Plainly stick thin? Could you qualify as an overqualified sumo wrestler? Blue baby? Just decide what you need to improve on. Consulting a physician might help. Or maybe simply looking at the mirror will do the job.

Easy Steps To Avoiding Gym Rage

Have you heard about this recently? Many of us go through this at our local gym or fitness centre on a regular basis and are become increasingly frustrated. It usually starts as a group of trainees chat away their experiences of the day on a bench or at a piece of equipment for fifteen minutes while you are waiting to use it.

Or someone is standing directly in front of the barbell rack doing tiny lateral raises when you want to get at the really big weights. Or casuals using equipment favoured by the regulars and often looked at like pieces of personal furniture for their own use.

6 Fun Fitness Activities...

Exercising and staying fit doesn't have to mean hard work. Simply being active will help you get or stay in good shape. So with that said, here are some enjoyable activities that can help with your fitness goals too.

The Perfect 35 Minute Workout

Most of the physical fitness trainers, and coaches agree that
doing some sort of resistance training, and cardio training, sets
up a good foundation for all around fitness. What most people
like to do is alternate days. M-W-F do resistance training and on
Tues-thurs-sat do aerobic training or some other variation.Now
this is not a bad thing but it can be very time consuming and for
people who have real busy lives it might be hard to make this
kind of commitment.

I say why not do both in one training session?

Personal Training: 5 Easy Steps to Sanity on the Road

If you have been a personal trainer for any length of time - or any fitness professional, for that matter - then you know what it's like to spend a lot of time on the road. For trainers who work with their clients in homes or a geographic mix of local fitness facilities, you especially have some serious time behind the wheel on a regular basis. 

Regardless of where you train your clients, most trainers spend a good deal of time driving to and from training sessions, seminars, and other work-related activities. For most people, that time ends up being "dead time", during which you really can't be very productive. Listed below are some great ideas for making the most of that time, and making it time that you even look forward to!

12 Secrets for gaining mass

If You really want to gain size stop reading articles out of magazines and find a trainer that knows what they are doing.

How Effective are Your Nutritional Supplements?

(ARA) – Excessive weight gain is a big problem in America. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a publication of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly two thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. Most people want to do something about it, but don’t always make good decisions.

This year alone, fifty million people will go on some of form of weight-loss program, spending some $33 billion on weight loss products and services that are fad diets, unsafe or ineffective nutritional supplements. Countless others who have tried to lose weight and failed will give up altogether.

Weight Loss and Fitness - Facts not Fiction

The world of weight loss and fitness is certainly vast, and the
American consumer can absolutely get lost in the thousands of
easy effortless and ostly useless ads if not careful. With my
books and research I want to clear the air about the various
myths and false statements regarding our health and fitness that
have clearly muddied the waters for many Americans.

What I want to stress in particular is that there is no magic
answer, potion, or diet pill that is going to make everything

5 Quick and Easy Fun Ways to Get in Shape

Getting and staying in shape doesn’t have to be dull and boring!
Try some of these fun fitness activities to make your workout
time more enjoyable.

MUSICAL EXERCIES – Put on your favorite music and do some yoga!
No need for slow, elevator music. Move to your favorite beat. Or
pop on the headphones or earphones and grab your MP3 or cassette
player or handheld PC and bike to a nearby park.