

Thursday 16 February 2012

Benefits Of Sunflower Seeds

4193934 xsmall 300x155 Benefits Of Sunflower SeedsThe benefits of sunflower seeds make them a fantastic anti aging snack. Eating raw sunflower seeds can give you a powerful punch, of many vitamins and minerals.
Roasting sunflower seeds will lessen the amount of antioxidants, but only marginally, you will still get many of the vitamins present, one in particular in vitamin E. This is a very powerful vitamin, needed to help fight the aging process.
Other vitamins and minerals found in these amazing little seeds are; magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, E, K, C and fiber, which is good for your digestive system and can help control weight gain and may help prevent obesity.

They also contain a good source of selenium, and studies have been done on low amounts of selenium and higher cancer incidences.
As you can see, eating sunflower seeds is a great way to help keep you looking younger.
I usually enjoy them in LSA (linseed, sunflower seeds and almonds), 
Health Benefits Of Sunflower Seeds
  • help relieve asthma
  • may help prevent cancers like; prostate cancer and colon cancer
  • have a calming effect on your brain
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • anti inflammatory
  • relieve tension
  • prevent constipation
  • prevent migraines
  • help lower the risk for developing heart problems
Raw sunflower seeds are a very popular snack for athletes, as they provide a good source of protein and carbohydrates.
You only need a small handful daily, to reap the health rewards of these remarkable little seeds.  Too much of a good thing is not always a good thing, as sunflower seeds do have a high oil content, which is why only a small handful is needed to help relieve hunger,  added to a salad or sprinkled over fried rice dishes.
The calories in these wonderful little seeds are quite high, although they are calories your body will use and will give you that full feeling.  Unlike empty calories, found in sugary foods, which don’t give you that full feeling, and you are more inclined to eat more.  And don’t forget the high amount of vitamin E these seeds contain, making them a great antioxidant food.
Salted sunflower seeds (ideally should be avoided) and roasted sunflower seeds make a great snack for those who have a busy lifestyle.
The benefits of sunflower seeds make them another amazing superfood.

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