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Showing posts with label How To Make Rose Water. Show all posts

Thursday 16 February 2012

How To Make Rose Water

How to make rose water is easy, and it can make a great cleanser for your skin.  There are so many rose water uses, in the middle eastern countries it is often used in recipes.
Making your own rose water is a better idea than buying it.  You may find, if you are buying a commercial one it contains many preservatives.
The ancient Romans, were said to bathe in rose water,  and is a popular ingredient in many skin care products.  It is wonderful for helping you look younger.
Rose water is well known for its anti inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial uses, and can be very beneficial for moisturizing dry skin when used as a toner.
Before you begin to follow a rose water recipe, give your rose petals a gentle wash.  It is always best to use the petals from a rose which is free of pesticides.  If you grow your own rose bush, even better.
How to Make Rose Water
There are a couple of ways I do this, and they are the simplest ways.
Get 1 large bowl, something big enough you would usually use for making a big pot of soup.
Place 1 brick on the bottom of the bowl, pour in water, until it is level with the brick.
Put rose petels in the water, and make sure you put in a lot, so they are completely covering the water and surround the brick.
Place a small bowl on top of the brick, and place a larger bowl on top of the pot, to act as a lid and fill it with ice.  Every now and then, check the smaller bowl inside the pot.  Once it is full of water, you are finished.
When you place the ice on top, it helps form condensation (water droplets).  This is a very easy rose water recipe.
Another method is, grab yourself a big pot and place petals on the bottom, until they are a few inches thick in-depth.
Pour over distilled water, so that the water is just covering the petals.
Turn on heat until the water is hot but not boiling, make sure the flame is quite low.
The rose petals will start to lose their color, this will usually take around 1 hour.
When the petals have lost all their color, turn off heat and allow to cool, then strain.
These two are probably two of the easiest ‘how to make rose water’ recipes.
It does not keep for very long, usually around 10 days, in the fridge.
Rose Water Uses, you can mix it with glycerin or witch hazel and use it as a toner.  Even better, use witch hazel a few drops of glycerin put in a dark bottle, and shake.  This is great for wrinkles and acne.
You can use rose water in your bath water.
Make perfume with it by adding your favourite essential oil.
Many people will use rose water in the kitchen, added to many recipes.
A rose water recipe can be as simple as I have outlined above, or you can make more complex ones.
How to make rose water can be satisfying and great for your skin.