

Monday 22 October 2012

White Nails

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We all want our nails to look beautiful and healthy. However, sometimes we may notice that our nails have turned white. This can be concerning and may make us wonder what is causing it. In this article, we will discuss what white nails are, the potential causes, and how to fix them.

What Are White Nails?

White nails are nails that have a milky white appearance. They may be entirely white or have white spots or lines. In some cases, the nails may also be thickened and brittle. While having white nails is usually not a cause for alarm, it is important to identify the underlying cause to ensure proper treatment.

Causes of White Nails

There are several potential causes of white nails. These include:

1. Nutrient Deficiencies

A lack of certain nutrients such as zinc, iron, and calcium can cause white nails. This is because these nutrients are essential for the healthy growth of nails.

2. Fungal Infections

Fungal infections can also cause white nails. This is because fungi can grow on and under the nail, causing discoloration and thickening.

3. Trauma

Injuries to the nail can cause white spots or lines. These injuries may be caused by excessive pressure, nail biting, or slamming the nail in a door.

4. Liver Disease

Liver disease can cause a condition called Terry's nails, which is characterized by white nails with a narrow pink band at the tip. This is because the liver plays a role in the production of proteins that are essential for nail growth.

5. Kidney Disease

Kidney disease can cause a condition called Lindsay's nails, which is characterized by a narrow band of white at the base of the nail. This is because the kidneys play a role in regulating the levels of certain minerals in the body.

How to Fix White Nails

The treatment for white nails depends on the underlying cause. Here are some potential treatments:

1. Nutrient Supplementation

If the cause of the white nails is a nutrient deficiency, supplementing with the appropriate nutrient can help improve the health of the nails.

2. Anti-Fungal Medication

If the cause of the white nails is a fungal infection, anti-fungal medication may be necessary to eliminate the infection.

3. Nail Care

Proper nail care can help prevent injuries to the nail that can cause white spots or lines. This includes avoiding excessive pressure on the nails, avoiding nail biting, and using protective gloves when doing manual labor.

4. Treatment of Underlying Medical Conditions

If the cause of the white nails is an underlying medical condition such as liver or kidney disease, treating the condition may help improve the health of the nails.


White nails can be concerning, but they are usually not a cause for alarm. Identifying the underlying cause of the white nails can help ensure proper treatment. Nutrient deficiencies, fungal infections, trauma, liver disease, and kidney disease can all cause white nails. Treatment may include nutrient supplementation, anti-fungal medication, nail care, and treatment of underlying medical conditions.


Can white nails be a sign of cancer?

While white nails can sometimes be a sign of cancer, it is not a common symptom. It is more likely to be caused by other factors such as nutrient deficiencies or fungal infections.

Can white nails be caused by medication?

Yes, certain medications can cause white nails as a side effect. If you suspect that your medication may be causing white nails, speak to your doctor.

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